
Business Concept


Marketing Tool for Building Managers and Owners

NexNuView provides owners and managers with a new real-time marketing arm that promotes their property worldwide, 24/7, without additional payroll costs. These views can also be used as seasonal promotions on company websites.

By Comparison, traditional marketing:


Shared Views

HMG Services will contact local Chambers of Commerce with an opportunity to market and promote their cities by recommending locations with views of interest for camera placement. HMG Services will install cameras for FREE to market and promote those specific locations

NexNuViews Bundled Service Views & Fees

An added value for tenants is the exclusive access of NexNuView Bundled Service. With an art purchase the viewing fee is reimbursed.

Museums & Artisans

Over the years museums have purchased, received or inherited precious pieces of art that are stored and rarely seen. HMG is negotiating with museums to provide a unique viewing and selling opportunity to a new worldwide customer base.

In every major city, artists and sculptors whose works are seldom seen or exhibited will be welcomed by our viewing and buying customers. HMG will contract local artisans in every major city to showcase and sell their works through NexNuView. Our service provides exclusive worldwide exposure, without charging a large gallery commission.

National Emergencies

Throughout the country there are transmission towers that service cell phones, television, and radio stations. These towers are at locations and heights that provide unrestricted views. HMG will negotiate to place cameras at these tower sites to promote regional areas and be available for emergency needs.